Monday, February 5, 2024

The Black and White Party, The Pratt Contemporaries and The Enoch Pratt Free Library


The Pratt Contemporaries started as a junior board of the Enoch Pratt Free Library in 2007. Its signature event is the Black and White Party held on the last Saturday in January at the Central Branch (add that to your calendar). Who doesn't love to dress up like a literary character to support reading.

What was this theme?

My Story:
My first knowledge of the Black and White Party was in 2017 as a coworker (now dear friend) was receiving very interesting items at the office from Amazon. She told me it was for the Pratt Contemporaries, Black and White Party. This group hosts a fundraiser at the Central Library every year. In 2017 the theme was Alice and Wonderland. And then when I saw the pictures I knew I had to go. In 2018, the Central Library was undergoing a major renovation. Check out the amazing renovation here.

Look at that ceiling!!!

The party moved to another location. As I do, I had completely forgotten about this event. What I didn't know was the event sells out almost immediately. Most people become members of the Pratt Contemporaries to guarantee they get a ticket. The theme was Havana Nights. My coworker (now dear friend), gets very upset when the theme is not a book. More on that later. I will be honest, I don't remember any pictures from that theme.

In 2019, I forgot again. I hadn't become a member of the Pratt Contemporaries. The tickets sold out. The Central Library was still undergoing renovations and the theme was Studio 54 (not a book). But at the last minute, I was able to buy a ticket from someone who couldn't go.

Missing in this picture are the Elton John like glasses I wore most of the night.

The Pratt Contemporaries:

I'm going to leave my story and talk a little bit about The Pratt Contemporaries. This group was started in 2007 to attract young donors to the library. An initial group of twelve people now boast a membership of hundreds and have raised over a million dollars for the library. When you join The Pratt Contemporaries, you attend events for free or discounted and you get access to the member pre-sale for the Black and White Party. There are multiple levels of membership and some give you a free ticket. And of course, the most important thing is you support programing at the library.

The Enoch Pratt Free Library System:

In 1882, Baltimore businessman, Enoch Pratt offered a central library, four branch libraries and over a million dollar endowment to the city of Baltimore. The former Executive Director of the Pratt shared that the Enoch Pratt Libraries are on ground level because everyone should have access to knowledge. Picture the New York Library. It is built that you have to ascend to knowledge and not that knowledge is for all.

“My library shall be for all, rich and poor without distinction of race or color, who, when properly accredited, can take out the books if they will handle them carefully and return them.” Enoch Pratt

Now back to the party:

After my Studio 54 experience, I made sure to become a member. I also really wanted to experience the Black and White Party at the Central Library. I enjoyed some great events with the Contemporaries, including the reveal of the 2020 theme. The theme was the Wizard of Oz. Finally back to books and a book you can do so much with. Sadly, I had just enjoyed that theme at another party. I wore a poppy dress so that doesn't go with the black and white theme. Etsy has been my friend for theme outfits and I think I did pretty good. 

As we followed the yellow-brick road, we had no idea that somewhere over the rainbow was Covid-19. It would be three years before we were back in the library. The 2023 theme was Dr Jekyll/Mr. Hyde. Yes a book. 

In the stacks again

In 2024, the theme was New Orleans, Mon Amour. Now it is time to talk about the non-book theme. I had a conversation about the themes and I was told that when the events were not in the library, they weren't a book. I was fine with this until this New Orleans theme. There are so many books in existence. So.Many.Books!!! If next year is not a book, I'm going to have to join this board and ensure book themes forever!!

I had this mask and resisted with all my might to not buy a white one.

Please comment and let me know what book should be a theme for the next Black and White Party?